When crafting an appeal, it is essential to remember that you are not just asking for a donation, but you are asking someone to invest in your cause. Therefore, your goal should be to write an appeal that is clear, concise, and inspires potential donors to take action. The best way to do this is to focus on the beneficiaries of your work and how their lives have been improved as a result of your organization’s efforts. By personalizing your appeal and emphasizing the impact of donations, you will be more likely to secure the support of potential donors. In addition, be sure to thank supporters for their past generosity and emphasize how their continued investment can help you achieve your goals. By following these tips, you can write an appeal that will inspire others to support your nonprofit’s vital work.

Regardless of the type of fundraising appeal, you’re making; some best practices apply to any fundraising efforts. First, be clear about what you’re asking for and why it’s essential. Don’t make assumptions about what your donor knows or doesn’t know – give them the whole story. Second, be personal. Connect with your donor on a human level and let them know how their contribution will make a difference. Third, be specific. Vague appeals are less likely to be successful than those that give concrete details about how the funds will be used. Finally, be grateful. Donors want to know their gifts are appreciated, so express your thanks. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to meeting your fundraising goals.

As a nonprofit organization, it is essential to have a strong fundraising strategy in place to reach your goals and make an impact. One key component of a successful fundraising strategy is strategic appeals. By carefully crafting your appeals and targeting them to the right audience, you can maximize your chances of raising the funds you need. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. A well-crafted fundraising plan is essential to a successful campaign.
  2. Donor retention and stewardship should be a primary focus.
  3. By engaging donors at multiple points, you can create a lasting relationship.
  4. Fundraising experts can help you achieve your fundraising goals.

A well-formed fundraising appeal will positively impact your final fundraising results. A practical fundraising appeal should be clear, concise, and direct. The fundraiser should also connect personally with the donor and explain how their donation will make a difference. Now, let’s explore some best practices for creating a practical appeal.


A well-crafted fundraising plan is essential to a successful campaign.

1. A well-crafted fundraising plan is essential to a successful campaign.

Achieving your fundraising goals starts with your organization building a dependable fundraising strategy. While most strategies share similar or standard tactics, it’s crucial to remember that you should always adjust yours to better fit the needs of both your supporters and organization.

Outlining your campaign goals is only the first step– you also need to create a fundraising strategy that suits your team best. Keep in mind all of the unique aspects of your group so you can maximize donations. You can’t sit around and wait for support to come your way; you have to actively seek it out by catching your donors’ attention. The following steps will help set a solid foundation:

Consider your organization’s current plans and strategies:

What fundraising strategies have been successful or unsuccessful for your organization? Keep the process that seemed to work well with your donors, and eliminate anything that could have been more successful.

For example, suppose your social media campaign appeals need to be more engaging. In that case, you should strategize how to make them more exciting or consider whether that platform is worth your campaign’s time.

Whenever possible, you should always use your historical fundraising data, broken down by campaign and donation source. This will help you to see which fundraising strategies have been most effective in the past and plan your new nonprofit fundraising campaigns accordingly.

Before beginning your fundraising campaign, set realistic goals:

When planning campaigns, nonprofit organizations should consider several related factors to ensure success. Some key points to consider are your donors’ past giving behaviors, how much money is needed to reach the goal, and any major potential donors in your network.

And then, contemplate which precise audiences or speeches would be most practical to support you achieve those goals. A general illustration could be a crucial capital fundraiser; you would want to target opulent donors, so prepare from the beginning stages to adjust your requests to that separate group in an intimate way.

Remember that your fundraising goals can be more comprehensive than raising money. You could also focus on improving donor retention rates or increasing the number of significant gifts given. Make a plan of action and put it into effect!

After you’ve decided which message types and donors will fit best with your campaign objectives, it’s time to get organized. Having a plan of action helps ensure that everyone in your organization is on the same page.

To make an impactful and effective fundraising appeal plan, keep the following items in mind to reach as many people as possible:

  • The channels through which you’ll communicate with your target audiences.
  • The donors who would be most receptive to this campaign.
  • How you communicate your call to action is incredibly important.

Having a plan provides you with guidance and confidence to execute a campaign that reaches suitable donors through targeted fundraising appeals.

Develop key performance indicators (KPIs) that work for you.

Keep an eye on your KPIs to see if changes in your fundraising tactics are working. Set targets that you can realistically hit to measure progress and adjust as needed. Only track metrics that correspond with the goals and strategies you have laid out; this will save time and keep everyone on the same page. For example:

  • Keep a close eye on how many donations you’re receiving from past donors when your campaign’s primary goal is to secure repeat donations. This number will clue you which donors are your most active recurring contributors.
  • By setting KPIs for registration and engagement with your promotional materials, you can tell if your communication strategy needs improvement regarding event attendance.
  • By tracking your email open rates, you and your team can determine if email outreach is working well for your organization.

These metrics are crucial to understanding how supporters interact with your campaign and outreach efforts. If you follow these four steps, you will have a firm foundation for creating appeals that work and track their effectiveness to continue building on this strategy.


Donor retention and stewardship should be a primary focus

2. Donor retention and stewardship should be a primary focus.

When crafting your fundraising plan, it is essential to find the right balance of donor stewardship and solicitation appeals. Your donors need to feel appreciated and valued, knowing they are crucial in helping you achieve your goals.

Your fundraising appeals should be accompanied by regular stewardship messages, such as:

  • Keep donors updated with the results of their contributions.
  • Keep your supporters updated on the progress of your campaign.
  • Cultivating your donors by engaging them with your organization and offering new opportunities for involvement.
  • Show your donors some love by expressing gratitude for their support.

At its heart, stewardship means your organization values and respects your donor’s giving intentions. In addition, practicing effective stewardship lays the groundwork for a long-term relationship built on trust and mutually-beneficial expectations.

Donor Retention: Maintaining relationships with your donors is crucial to your organization because obtaining the help of past donors costs less money than acquiring new supporters all the time. In addition, they eventually become dependable givers over time.

You will generate more value and deeper relationships with your donor base by utilizing calls to action and relationship-building messages in your broader fundraising appeal strategy. Remember to think ahead about how you can thank donors, show the progress made possible by their donations, and communicate the ultimate impact of their contributions on your mission.


By engaging donors at multiple points, you can create a lasting relationship.

3. By engaging donors at multiple points, you can create a lasting relationship.

By using multiple channels to communicate your fundraising appeal, you will significantly increase your organization’s reach. This approach uses digital and physical platforms to build awareness for your cause.

By targeting your ideal audience through various channels, you can capture their attention and interest until they finally take the desired action. The goal is to have them respond favorably to your final plea so that you achieve the main objective. Here are three great channels to use for your appeal strategy:

Direct Mail:

Nonprofit marketing statistics show that direct mail is the most effective channel for nonprofits, accounting for approximately 90% of all direct response donations. Although some believe that direct mail has become obsolete, this could not be further from the truth. Direct mail generally has a response rate up to 10 times higher than digital marketing platforms – making it one of the most successful fundraising outlets for nonprofits today.

Many potential donors respond more to physical fundraising appeals than digital or online ones. Some reasons for this include the following:

  • Letters visually stand out when compared to the digital space.
  • Mail is obvious and easily noticed.
  • People are more likely to remember physical mail than digital messages.

As you’re planning your direct mail campaign, make sure to point readers towards easy ways to get involved by including a return envelope for donations or prominently stating the URL for your campaign’s online donation page. By doing so, you’ll encourage more involvement and thus generate more support for your cause.


Email appeals are a type of multi-channel marketing strategy that can be very successful. Digital mail has the advantage of giving you more up-to-date and specific KPIs than direct mail does. Your software can capture data such as user opens, link click-throughs, and time users spend reading. Email marketing is an excellent option for your outreach because it offers numerous benefits:

  • Inexpensive outreach
  • Exact insights
  • Easy path for donors to contribute

Your email subject lines are your first opportunity to make a good impression, so make sure they’re catchy and relevant. Additionally, segment your donors based on their interactions with your campaign.

These segments can include anything from those who respond and read your emails to those who take additional actions like donating or signing up for an event. For example, you can create segments for overall responsiveness, average gift amount, and any other markers relevant to each campaign.

Social Media:

Take a closer look at your donor data to see which social media platforms are most popular with your target audience. This can help you better tailor your social media outreach in the future and improve engagement rates.

Social media is an excellent venue for fundraising appeals because:

  • With the many social media platforms available, organizations can tailor their approach to best fit their needs.
  • Data from social media can help you assess the success of your outreach efforts.
  • Most of your donors are active on social media. They are more likely to follow and interact with pages they see as active.

Post about your fundraiser on social media, and include a donate link in your posts and profile pages. This way, your supporters will see the content appear on their feeds.

Always design your content specifically for the platform you post it on. For example, Facebook promotes original videos more than reposts, while Instagram is focused on boasting high-quality images.


Fundraising experts can help you achieve your fundraising goals.

4. Fundraising experts can help you achieve your fundraising goals.

If you’re looking to fundraise for your nonprofit, consider finding a consultant to help create or adjust your strategy. These experts can segment your audience and determine which appeals will best meet your campaign goals. Once you have this information, you’ll be able to prioritize purposing specific audiences or individuals to get the most out of your efforts.

While your team can develop a strategy for fundraisers, we recommend hiring someone with experience. This way, you’ll have an expert to help tackle any challenges. There are plenty of people and companies out there who specialize in different types of campaigns–find one that best fits your needs.

For example, if your team wants to find more effective ways to send out direct mail appeals, you would look for a company specializing in this. They can provide you with tips and advice on how to make your requests better.

Some consulting firms not only aid Profit organizations but also provide other services. These include:

  • Fundraising goals
  • Strategy assessments
  • Board leadership
  • Crisis planning

A nonprofit consulting firm can help take your team to the next level by providing professional guidance and expertise. With these best practices in mind, your organization can make more informed and effective decisions when planning your next fundraising campaign. These resources will ensure you hit the ground running on your subsequent appeal.

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Whether you’re a startup organization or a leading corporation, CommunityForce provides fully customizable, all-in-one online grant management solutions to maximize your efficiency, simplify complex processes, and improve collaboration so you can focus on increasing your impact. We’ve helped organizations streamline their entire process no matter the size and scope of their giving.