CommunityForce® Connected Apps

In addition to the Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack features. You can power-up your organization with our lightnin bolt-on Salesforce connected apps Bolt-on Connected Apps

Bolt-on Connected Apps

iphone VolunteerApp

Volunteer App

  • Volunteer Portal

  • Sign up for hours

  • Volunteer Engagement

  • Forms Management

  • Event Registration

site connector

Recruit, deploy, and manage your volunteers better than ever before.

Volunteer Management with Salesforce NPSP

Nonprofit Cloud is your one integrated platform helping you connect all parts of your organization, because data that you don’t act on, is as useless as data you never saw in the first place.


  • Manage volunteers and their volunteer hours

  • Manage volunteer jobs and optional shifts

  • Allow volunteer and job signup on your website

  • Dynamic reports and dashboards Volunteer Engagement

Salesforce NPSP Volunteer Management Overview

Salesforce® Nonprofit Success Pack

In the session we will:

  • Perform a high-level evaluation that will help your organizations manage more donors, increase incoming donations, and raise funds faster.

  • Provide advice on how to supercharge your donor relations.

  • Provide insight on how to improve your donor management.

  • And much more…

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