Grant management software can help foundations meet their missions. For philanthropic organizations that support the work of certain causes, collaboration and strategic grantmaking could be a necessary part of meeting outlined goals. Certain systemic problems, like hunger, for instance, require a lot of hard work to combat.
Many Americans rely on food pantries
A recent report called “Hunger in America 2014” found that 46 million people in the U.S., a number that includes 12 million children and 7 million senior citizens, rely on food pantries and other meal services to feed themselves and their families. According to a press release accompanying the study, this report is the largest examination of food assistance users ever conducted.
In addition to hunger, those who utilize food services frequently struggle with health problems, the report found. Nearly 80 percent of households surveyed indicated they purchased the cheapest food options available to provide for their families, even if they knew these options were less healthy. Besides, 66 percent reported having to choose between purchasing food and medicine.
The report also found that an average of 2 million volunteers donate their time every month and contribute 8.4 million hours of service through the Feeding America Network, suggesting that charitable organizations rely heavily on volunteers to keep these food assistance programs running.
Grantmakers can strengthen strategies to help
With these unfortunate findings, foundations that want to support charitable organizations focused on combating hunger in America may have to work even harder to deliver funds appropriately. Many charitable organizations that provide food pantries and similar services rely on grants in addition to donations to serve those in need.
Grant management software can increase the efficiency of grantmaking processes and make it easier for foundations to communicate with the constituents they serve. Another option, according to Geofunders, is to collaborate strategically with other foundations to ensure charitable organizations are receiving the financial assistance they need. There are several ways to go about this. Strategic alliances and co-funding can enhance the assets of individual organizations by directing them toward a more specific goal.
As Geofunders notes, collaborating with other foundations can be a great option when organizations are pursuing a common goal. In the face of issues like hunger, which affects millions of Americans, working together may be the only solution. However, foundations can support their efforts by improving grantmaking procedures to ensure that funds are delivered more efficiently using better grant management platforms.