You may be familiar with grant management software that can help improve your application processes. While many larger foundations have started adopting software, smaller organizations can be hesitant to seek out technological solutions. However, even if you only give out a handful of grants, it’s likely that a grant management system could be beneficial for you, and even increase productivity. Often, smaller organizations are hesitant to jump on board with digital solutions partly because they don’t fully understand grant management solutions. Here are four common myths about grant management/ technology solutions for smaller organizations:

  1. Software is too expensive

    Many smaller foundations think they can’t afford grant management software. Given that so many providers aim their solutions at large foundations and universities, this belief isn’t surprising. According to Charity Channel, for many widely offered systems, “small” can mean a multimillion dollar operating budget. However, if you dig deeper, you can find companies that make software for smaller organizations. While these systems may have been expensive in the past, it’s like you’ll find a solution that will fit your budget and the scope of your operations. According to “A Consumer’s Guide to Grants Management Systems” from Ideal ware, the grant software environment is evolving constantly.

  2. Grant management systems are unnecessary for small organizations

    If you’ve ever even asked yourself that there could be a better way to manage certain aspects of the grant review process, you may want to look into software. Ideal ware’s report suggests that if you can’t track your grants easily using just a spreadsheet, you may want to start looking elsewhere. You may also be surprised by the increased flexibility and efficiency that ditching spreadsheets can provide. For instance, rather than sorting through your spreadsheets and documents, the data you need will be stored in a secure online system. Because this information can quickly be accessed when you need it, the reporting process becomes far easier than it likely is currently.

  3. It won’t be compatible with what we have

    Once again, this may have been true in the past, but today’s grant management systems can easily integrate with whatever programs you already use. It may even be able to replace some of them with an all-in-one platform. Because software-as-a-service programs store data online, they can often link up to other services, like accounting software, which can make your life a lot easier.

  4. It would take too long to learn

    This is a reasonable fear. When you’re busy managing all aspects of multiple grant applications, it can be tough to imagine yourself learning an entirely new system. On the other hand, you shouldn’t let this hold you back from implementing grant management software, especially since these digital solutions can transform the way you handle basic processes. It may take a while to become fully acclimated, but once you learn the new system, it’s likely going to save you a lot of of valuable time.

Small foundations no longer need to rely on databases and spreadsheets to handle their grant giving. With all the solutions available, it may be time to seek out a platform that can fit your individual needs.